Order must be restored vanilla
Order must be restored vanilla

Humans get the slightly useful racial talents of +5 to swords and Maces, a tiny Spirit bonus, and Diplomacy which helps you gain reputation 10% faster, which is nice.

order must be restored vanilla

The more the better, the Paladin is a very gear dependant class. If you have a high level alt or friend, you will be helped tremendously if you can start with enough gold for bags and some basic equipment. Ill assume very little knowledge of the game. Ill break out important development aspects by 10 level blocks. So the deal in a nutshell is, if you value damage output above all else and don't enjoy having support responsibilities you'll probably end up disappointed at level 60. On the other hand, the Pally can still do sufficient damage but also has excellent defensive abilities and a wide variety of group enhancing abilities that make a well played Pally a huge asset to any group. After that the Pallys damage output does not progress much while other classes designed around damage output are beginning to shine and will eclipse the Pally in the damage dept. I would call the Pally decidedly overpowered up until level 45-50. The most important initial consideration is deciding if the Pally is for you in the first place.

order must be restored vanilla

Do it any way you want but the following approach works great.

order must be restored vanilla

This stems from the combination having leveled several characters and avoiding the mistakes I made with the first Pally. The 42 Pally is the fastest leveling and most fun character I've played. I have this 60 Pally, a 60 Priest, an almost 60 Warrior, and another Pally currently at 42. Before we start, this guide is only a basic leveling guide, if you need a much more indepth on, then check out Dugi's 1-60leveling Guide. If you're interested in that the only way to learn is get in there and do it.

order must be restored vanilla

This guide is intended to lay out a plan for leveling a Paladin to level 60 in a short amount of time and with a high degree of enjoyment.

Order must be restored vanilla